Watershed Security Coalition on BC Snowpack

Watershed Watch Salmon Society Logo

The BC River Forecast Centre is scheduled to release the results of the most recent province-wide snow survey on February 8. 

Late last week, preliminary data from automated snow weather stations released by the province showed that, while some areas saw some precipitation in January, the provincial average on February 1 was 66 per cent of median, up from 63 per cent on January 1.

Record-low snowpack so far this winter is a strong predictor of the potential for another year of record drought this summer. 

Members of the BC Watershed Security Coalition are available to comment on the latest snowpack results, the impacts the snowpack will have on freshwater resources and drought later this year, and the actions that provincial and federal leaders should take to prepare BC residents and businesses for water scarcity.


Aaron Hill, executive director Watershed Watch Salmon Society


Nicole Trigg, communications director and acting government liaison for Living Lakes Canada


Coree Tull, co-chair BC Watershed Security Coalition and director of government relations and engagement, BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative


Dave Zehnder, Kootenay-based rancher



Feb. 1 Province of B.C. Snow Conditions Commentary: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/drought-flooding-dikes-dams/river-forecast-centre/snow-survey-water-supply-bulletin/snow-conditions-commentary

B.C. River Forecast Centre Snow Conditions and Water Supply Bulletin: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/drought-flooding-dikes-dams/river-forecast-centre/snow-survey-water-supply-bulletin

The BC Watershed Security Coalition is a non-partisan coalition of 50 organizations, made up of community water experts and leaders in the field, including farmers, Indigenous champions, local governments, and representing 255,000 British Columbians from all walks of life.

Media Inquiries

For inquiries or to join our media list, please contact:

Meghan Rooney
Science and Communications Coordinator


Watershed Security Coalition on BC Snowpack

Watershed Watch Salmon Society Logo

The BC River Forecast Centre is scheduled to release the results of the most recent province-wide snow survey on February 8. 

Late last week, preliminary data from automated snow weather stations released by the province showed that, while some areas saw some precipitation in January, the provincial average on February 1 was 66 per cent of median, up from 63 per cent on January 1.

Record-low snowpack so far this winter is a strong predictor of the potential for another year of record drought this summer. 

Members of the BC Watershed Security Coalition are available to comment on the latest snowpack results, the impacts the snowpack will have on freshwater resources and drought later this year, and the actions that provincial and federal leaders should take to prepare BC residents and businesses for water scarcity.


Aaron Hill, executive director Watershed Watch Salmon Society


Nicole Trigg, communications director and acting government liaison for Living Lakes Canada


Coree Tull, co-chair BC Watershed Security Coalition and director of government relations and engagement, BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative


Dave Zehnder, Kootenay-based rancher



Feb. 1 Province of B.C. Snow Conditions Commentary: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/drought-flooding-dikes-dams/river-forecast-centre/snow-survey-water-supply-bulletin/snow-conditions-commentary

B.C. River Forecast Centre Snow Conditions and Water Supply Bulletin: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/drought-flooding-dikes-dams/river-forecast-centre/snow-survey-water-supply-bulletin

The BC Watershed Security Coalition is a non-partisan coalition of 50 organizations, made up of community water experts and leaders in the field, including farmers, Indigenous champions, local governments, and representing 255,000 British Columbians from all walks of life.

Media Inquiries

For inquiries or to join our media list, please contact:

Meghan Rooney
Science and Communications Coordinator
