Collapse of Fraser sockeye underscores urgency of water reform

Following the collapse of Fraser River sockeye stocks and a government promise to make BC’s water system “the best, bar none”, an unprecedented coalition of citizen groups has issued recommendations for modernizing the BC Water Act.

A total of 29 non-profit organizations have endorsed a joint “Statement of Expectations on the Reform of the BC Water Act.” The statement is in direct response to the BC government’s 2008 pledge to modernize antiquated water law, and offers a comprehensive set of guidelines covering surface water health, public transparency, equitable water allocation, and groundwater and stream protection.

PDF: Collapse of Fraser sockeye underscores urgency of water reform

Media Inquiries

For inquiries or to join our media list, please contact:

Meghan Rooney
Science and Communications Coordinator

Collapse of Fraser sockeye underscores urgency of water reform

Following the collapse of Fraser River sockeye stocks and a government promise to make BC’s water system “the best, bar none”, an unprecedented coalition of citizen groups has issued recommendations for modernizing the BC Water Act.

A total of 29 non-profit organizations have endorsed a joint “Statement of Expectations on the Reform of the BC Water Act.” The statement is in direct response to the BC government’s 2008 pledge to modernize antiquated water law, and offers a comprehensive set of guidelines covering surface water health, public transparency, equitable water allocation, and groundwater and stream protection.

PDF: Collapse of Fraser sockeye underscores urgency of water reform

Media Inquiries

For inquiries or to join our media list, please contact:

Meghan Rooney
Science and Communications Coordinator