Media Advisory: Cohen Commission Final Report to be Made Public on October 31st – Scientists available to interpret findings of the Cohen Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River

Interview Opportunity
October 29, 2012

Today, the much-anticipated Cohen Commission Final Report was released to government. It will be made public on Wednesday, October 31st at a media conference held by Justice Bruce Cohen at 12:30 pm, the Marriot Hotel, 1128 Hastings St. West, in Vancouver.

The report is expected to relay Justice Bruce Cohen’s  findings and recommendations regarding the causes of decline of sockeye salmon in the Fraser River. The Report is the result of a $26 million process involving 18 months of public hearings, 15 technical reports, and mountains of crucial and previously confidential information.

Available to assist media with interpreting the Cohen Final Report’s recommendations are Watershed Watch Salmon Society’s Executive Director Dr. Craig Orr and Fisheries Biologist, Stan Proboszcz.

Their analysis of the Report and its potential to aid conservation of Fraser River sockeye is based on their participation in the Cohen evidentiary hearings, and comprehensive review of the evidence. See “Synopsis of Key Evidence from the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Fraser River Sockeye” at this link:

To arrange an interview please contact:

  • Dr. Craig Orr, Executive Director, Watershed Watch Salmon Society – 604-809-2799
  • Stan Proboszcz, Fisheries Biologist, Watershed Watch Salmon Society – 604-314-2713


For relevant documents see the “Cohen Report Tracker” at this link: Includes news items, a synopsis of key evidence and the SOS Marine Conservation Foundation’s final submission to the Cohen Commission.

Watershed Watch Salmon Society (WWSS) has been watching out for B.C.’s wild salmon since 1998. Our focus is to elevate the dialogue surrounding wild salmon and to improve our chances of saving them. Watershed Watch believes that real changes in attitude and behaviour are based on understanding, and that significant understanding requires a broad and deep appreciation of a wide range of habitat, harvest, and management issues.

The SOS Marine Conservation Foundation (SOS) is a group of successful business leaders, entrepreneurs and philanthropists brought together to protect B.C.’s wild salmon stocks and the marine environment from negative impacts of open net-cage salmon farms and establish B.C. as a leader in creating a globally renowned, stable and viable aquaculture industry.

During Inquiry hearings on disease and aquaculture, WWSS and SOS worked together to inform the public on key pieces of evidence.

Media Inquiries

For inquiries or to join our media list, please contact:

Dene Moore
Communications Specialist 

Media Advisory: Cohen Commission Final Report to be Made Public on October 31st – Scientists available to interpret findings of the Cohen Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River

Interview Opportunity
October 29, 2012

Today, the much-anticipated Cohen Commission Final Report was released to government. It will be made public on Wednesday, October 31st at a media conference held by Justice Bruce Cohen at 12:30 pm, the Marriot Hotel, 1128 Hastings St. West, in Vancouver.

The report is expected to relay Justice Bruce Cohen’s  findings and recommendations regarding the causes of decline of sockeye salmon in the Fraser River. The Report is the result of a $26 million process involving 18 months of public hearings, 15 technical reports, and mountains of crucial and previously confidential information.

Available to assist media with interpreting the Cohen Final Report’s recommendations are Watershed Watch Salmon Society’s Executive Director Dr. Craig Orr and Fisheries Biologist, Stan Proboszcz.

Their analysis of the Report and its potential to aid conservation of Fraser River sockeye is based on their participation in the Cohen evidentiary hearings, and comprehensive review of the evidence. See “Synopsis of Key Evidence from the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Fraser River Sockeye” at this link:

To arrange an interview please contact:

  • Dr. Craig Orr, Executive Director, Watershed Watch Salmon Society – 604-809-2799
  • Stan Proboszcz, Fisheries Biologist, Watershed Watch Salmon Society – 604-314-2713


For relevant documents see the “Cohen Report Tracker” at this link: Includes news items, a synopsis of key evidence and the SOS Marine Conservation Foundation’s final submission to the Cohen Commission.

Watershed Watch Salmon Society (WWSS) has been watching out for B.C.’s wild salmon since 1998. Our focus is to elevate the dialogue surrounding wild salmon and to improve our chances of saving them. Watershed Watch believes that real changes in attitude and behaviour are based on understanding, and that significant understanding requires a broad and deep appreciation of a wide range of habitat, harvest, and management issues.

The SOS Marine Conservation Foundation (SOS) is a group of successful business leaders, entrepreneurs and philanthropists brought together to protect B.C.’s wild salmon stocks and the marine environment from negative impacts of open net-cage salmon farms and establish B.C. as a leader in creating a globally renowned, stable and viable aquaculture industry.

During Inquiry hearings on disease and aquaculture, WWSS and SOS worked together to inform the public on key pieces of evidence.

Media Inquiries

For inquiries or to join our media list, please contact:

Dene Moore
Communications Specialist 