Cohen Commission Exhibit #1333: Memo from D Bevan to P MacGillivray Sept 17, 2004 | Watershed Watch Salmon Society

Cohen Commission Exhibit #1333: Memo from D Bevan to P MacGillivray Sept 17, 2004

Resource: Cohen Commission Exhibit #1333: Memo from D Bevan to P MacGillivray Sept 17, 2004

Authors / Publisher: Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River

Date: July 8, 2011

PDF: Exh 1333 – Memo from D Bevan (ADM Fisheries Mgmt) to P MacGillivray (RDG Pacific) re Cultus and Sakinaw Sockeye, Sep 17 2004 – NonRT

Topic: Cultus Lake – SARA Listing Decision, Effects on Habitat in the Marine Environment

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