With Thanks to Our Funders and Partners
Our work is made possible by the generosity of people who share our vision of a brighter future for B.C.’s wild salmon. Many individuals and the following groups, businesses and foundations are supporting our work to defend and rebuild wild salmon and their habitats.
Aqueduct Foundation
Babine River Foundation
Canada Summer Jobs Program
Chisholm Thomson Family Foundation
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Coquitlam Foundation
Donner Canadian Foundation
Global Salmon Farm Resistance
Krogseth Foundation
MakeWay Foundation – Lone Wolf Fund
MakeWay Foundation – Pacific Salmon Watersheds Fund
MakeWay Foundation – Impact Fund
McLean Foundation
1% for the Planet Pass-Through Fund through the Victoria Foundation
The Ocean Foundation
Patagonia Environmental Grants Program Fund
PayPal Charitable Giving Fund
Real Estate Foundation of BC
Ruby Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation
Sitka Foundation
St. Louis Community Foundation
Stewart Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation
The Stronghold Fund’s BC Fund
Tides Foundation
Victoria Foundation
Wild Salmon Center
Businesses & Organizations
Aboriginal Eco Tours
Arcteryx Victoria
Badger Earthworks Ltd.
BC Ferries
BC Hydro
Bike Zone
Coast Outdoors
Ecomarine Paddlesport Centres
Endless Biking
Fish-Kissing Weasels Environmental
Flowerstone Soap
Hive Climbing
Does your business strive for sustainability? Do you want to connect with British Columbians who value wild salmon and their habitats? Find out more about partnering with Watershed Watch.