Eiko Jones
Eiko Jones is an award winning Canadian underwater photographer who strives to capture the natural and human world in a way that inspires and motivates people to appreciate and care about the natural world. Contact Eiko and see more of his work on his website.
Roxanna Kooistra
Roxanna Froese adventures locally and internationally with her family, taking photos that try to “inspire people to get outdoors, try new things, and reconnect with the nature around them.” Contact Roxanna and check out her instagram feed @intherivervalley
Tavish Campbell
“A keen naturalist, Tavish’s enthusiasm for watching, learning from and teaching others about the coast’s countless inhabitants shows in everything he does. From isopods to orcas and brittle stars to bears, every species plays an influential role in the web of life and has a story to tell. Bringing these stories to light through underwater videography and photography is a pursuit he feels is incredibly worthwhile and necessary.” Contact Tavish and see more of his work on his website
Andrew S. Wright
Andrew S. Wright is passionate conservation photographer, writing, and showing his work in support of conservation in Canada. He has produced two books. Emeralds at the Edge and Faltering Light, and his images have supported many conservation articles and organizations. Contact Andrew and see more of his work on his website
Alexandra Morton
Alexandra Morton is an independent marine biologist working in B.C. Best known for her 30-year study of killer whales in the Broughton Archipelago, since the 1990s, her work has focused on the impact of salmon farming on wild salmon.
April Bencze
April Bencze is a photographer, writer, and poet, passionate about the B.C. coast. In her work, she explores the relationship between humans and the wilderness. Contact April and see more of her work on her website and check out her instagram feed at @aprilbencze.