Flood control structures research links | Watershed Watch Salmon Society

Flood control structures research links

Resource: Flood control structures research links

Flood control structures in tidal creeks associated with reduction in nursery potential for native fishes and creation of hotspots for invasive species

David C. Scott, Michael Arbeider, Jennifer Gordon, and Jonathan W. Moore, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. To be released April 28 2016.



“Our study revealed that these small scale barriers, which are abundant in the lower Fraser, have ecological effects similar to large dams,” says David Scott, the study’s lead author. “Upstream of floodgates we found fish communities which were completely altered relative to reference sites, and dissolved oxygen concentrations significantly below safe minimum standards for fish.”

More info here: Moore Lab (SFU)


Additional papers & research: 

Watershed-scale effectiveness of floodplain habitat restoration for juvenile coho salmon in the Chilliwack River

Habitat Restoration (BC Ministry of Environment, Fisheries & Oceans). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2014.

“This study demonstrates that large-scale habitat restoration can effectively enhance fish production at a watershed scale, at a cost that may be comparable to hatchery smolt production.”


When the Tides Don’t Turn: Floodgates and Hypoxic Zones in the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada

Jennifer Gordon, Michael Arbeider, David Scott, Samantha M. Wilson, Jonathan W. Moore, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, 2015.

“This study investigated water quality in tidal creeks with and without floodgates on the lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada…. Floodgate-induced hypoxia may not only cause local exclusion of sensitive native fishes but may also act as a chemical barrier that decreases connectivity among aquatic systems.”


Prioritization of and rehabilitation considerations of fish migrations impediments in the Lower Fraser

Fraser Salmon Watershed Program, March 2009.

“Improving access to the remaining lower Fraser River tidal channels, wetlands, marshes and tributaries is considered an important component in the recovery of lower Fraser salmon populations.”


Study of Flood Proofing Barriers in Lower Mainland Fish Bearing Streams Barriers

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Habitat and Enhancement Branch Pacific Region (1999)

“Pumping stations on the lower Fraser River are well known to impart significant mortalities on migrating salmonids… Options to address the conflict are discussed and include changing the type of pump, installing pump bypass systems, changing operational procedures at each facility, conducting fish salvage operations, allowing marginally productive land to flood, and installing higher volume flood boxes with lighter flap gates.”

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