Announcing our World & BC Rivers Day photo contest winners

October 6, 2020

By: Meghan Rooney

September 27, 2020 was World Rivers Day and the 40th anniversary of BC Rivers Day and we celebrated by hosting a river-themed photo contest. We received a tonne of amazing submissions, and although we had a tough time choosing our winners, we had a great time going through all of the entries. 

Check out our winners. Click on each photo to expand. (We apologize for any clipping that has occurred.)

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Announcing our World & BC Rivers Day photo contest winners

October 6, 2020

By: Meghan Rooney

September 27, 2020 was World Rivers Day and the 40th anniversary of BC Rivers Day and we celebrated by hosting a river-themed photo contest. We received a tonne of amazing submissions, and although we had a tough time choosing our winners, we had a great time going through all of the entries. 

Check out our winners. Click on each photo to expand. (We apologize for any clipping that has occurred.)

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Stand with us to defend wild Pacific salmon

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