CodeBlue BC helps British Columbians defend their watersheds

October 15, 2021

By: Meghan Rooney

We launched our CodeBlue BC campaign with our allies in January 2020 to address the poor management of B.C.’s watersheds. Since then, the CodeBlue BC community and its 3-point plan to secure and restore BC’s freshwater sources have taken on a life of their own. Check out some highlights from the year so far.


Did you know B.C. is still accepting applications for commercial water bottling operations? Proposals are on the table to package up and export freshwater from communities who recently experienced severe droughts, such as Clinton and Salmon Arm. CodeBlue BC is calling on the Province to stop approving water bottling licenses and, so far, over 4200 British Columbians have sent letters about this issue to their MLAs.

Over 24,000 CodeBlue BC supporters… and counting

In less than two years, the CodeBlue BC Facebook community has surpassed 24,000 supporters. Members share stories that highlight the wide variety of threats to our watersheds and the need for better regulation, increased fines and more local control. From sloppy logging and mining practices, to water wasters and polluters, to the use of toxic pesticides next to our salmon rivers, we are holding government and industry accountable for the damage being done to our watersheds.

Supporting Vernon residents’ fight for clean water

In spring 2021, Vernon community members reached out to CodeBlue BC. Tolko Industries had plans to harvest trees from a cutblock 500 metres above the community’s drinking water intake, despite opposition from the North Okanagan Regional District and the concerns of residents. The CodeBlue BC team set up an online action, resulting in nearly 500 emails sent by Vernon residents to their MLA and the Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development in just 3 days. The community pressure forced Tolko to change their logging plan to exclude the area above the drinking water intake.

Citizens call for investment in watersheds

After successfully lobbying the Province to invest $27 million into the Healthy Watersheds Initiative in 2020, our CodeBlue BC community is now reaching out to elected officials to secure additional funding for B.C.’s watersheds in 2021. The Healthy Watersheds Initiative funded over 60 projects, putting people to work restoring, monitoring and managing the health of their watersheds. However, these important projects finish in 2021 and without additional funds, people will be left without jobs. CodeBlue BC supporters have placed over 760 calls and sent over 830 emails to their MLAs and the premier asking for additional funding to keep their home watersheds healthy.

Municipalities vote for watershed security

This September, the Union of BC Municipalities passed a resolution asking the province to invest $75 million annually into watershed security. CodeBlue BC supporters from Hope to Chilliwack sent over 2000 emails to their local representatives asking them to support this resolution.

If you are not already a part of CodeBlue BC, we encourage you to read the plan and add your voice. Help secure B.C.’s freshwater sources forever.

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CodeBlue BC helps British Columbians defend their watersheds

October 15, 2021

By: Meghan Rooney

We launched our CodeBlue BC campaign with our allies in January 2020 to address the poor management of B.C.’s watersheds. Since then, the CodeBlue BC community and its 3-point plan to secure and restore BC’s freshwater sources have taken on a life of their own. Check out some highlights from the year so far.


Did you know B.C. is still accepting applications for commercial water bottling operations? Proposals are on the table to package up and export freshwater from communities who recently experienced severe droughts, such as Clinton and Salmon Arm. CodeBlue BC is calling on the Province to stop approving water bottling licenses and, so far, over 4200 British Columbians have sent letters about this issue to their MLAs.

Over 24,000 CodeBlue BC supporters… and counting

In less than two years, the CodeBlue BC Facebook community has surpassed 24,000 supporters. Members share stories that highlight the wide variety of threats to our watersheds and the need for better regulation, increased fines and more local control. From sloppy logging and mining practices, to water wasters and polluters, to the use of toxic pesticides next to our salmon rivers, we are holding government and industry accountable for the damage being done to our watersheds.

Supporting Vernon residents’ fight for clean water

In spring 2021, Vernon community members reached out to CodeBlue BC. Tolko Industries had plans to harvest trees from a cutblock 500 metres above the community’s drinking water intake, despite opposition from the North Okanagan Regional District and the concerns of residents. The CodeBlue BC team set up an online action, resulting in nearly 500 emails sent by Vernon residents to their MLA and the Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development in just 3 days. The community pressure forced Tolko to change their logging plan to exclude the area above the drinking water intake.

Citizens call for investment in watersheds

After successfully lobbying the Province to invest $27 million into the Healthy Watersheds Initiative in 2020, our CodeBlue BC community is now reaching out to elected officials to secure additional funding for B.C.’s watersheds in 2021. The Healthy Watersheds Initiative funded over 60 projects, putting people to work restoring, monitoring and managing the health of their watersheds. However, these important projects finish in 2021 and without additional funds, people will be left without jobs. CodeBlue BC supporters have placed over 760 calls and sent over 830 emails to their MLAs and the premier asking for additional funding to keep their home watersheds healthy.

Municipalities vote for watershed security

This September, the Union of BC Municipalities passed a resolution asking the province to invest $75 million annually into watershed security. CodeBlue BC supporters from Hope to Chilliwack sent over 2000 emails to their local representatives asking them to support this resolution.

If you are not already a part of CodeBlue BC, we encourage you to read the plan and add your voice. Help secure B.C.’s freshwater sources forever.

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