The Freshwater Stream tackles water bottling in BC

June 9, 2022

By: Meghan Rooney

If 85% of British Columbians believe freshwater is a basic human right and shouldn’t be for sale, why does the BC government keep selling off water bottling rights to corporations? In season 2, episode 5 of the Freshwater Stream, host Danielle Paydli speaks with water champions who are speaking out against water bottling in their communities. This episode’s guests are Bruce Gibbons, founder of the Merville Water Guardians on Vancouver Island, Annette Letterman of the Golden District Water Protection Committee, counselor Jamie Fletcher from High Bar First Nation and Deborah Curran, executive director of the Environmental Law Center at the University of Victoria. 

Listen to “Water Bottling in BC” on Spreaker.

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The Freshwater Stream is a podcast about B.C.’s watersheds and the people who care about them. Find out more and check out season one here. And please, if you like it, rate and subscribe on your favourite podcast playing app!

The Freshwater Stream is a collaboration between Watershed Watch Salmon Society and Canadian Freshwater Alliance.

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The Freshwater Stream tackles water bottling in BC

June 9, 2022

By: Meghan Rooney

If 85% of British Columbians believe freshwater is a basic human right and shouldn’t be for sale, why does the BC government keep selling off water bottling rights to corporations? In season 2, episode 5 of the Freshwater Stream, host Danielle Paydli speaks with water champions who are speaking out against water bottling in their communities. This episode’s guests are Bruce Gibbons, founder of the Merville Water Guardians on Vancouver Island, Annette Letterman of the Golden District Water Protection Committee, counselor Jamie Fletcher from High Bar First Nation and Deborah Curran, executive director of the Environmental Law Center at the University of Victoria. 

Listen to “Water Bottling in BC” on Spreaker.

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Spreaker.

The Freshwater Stream is a podcast about B.C.’s watersheds and the people who care about them. Find out more and check out season one here. And please, if you like it, rate and subscribe on your favourite podcast playing app!

The Freshwater Stream is a collaboration between Watershed Watch Salmon Society and Canadian Freshwater Alliance.

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  1. Michael Buckingham June 9, 2022 at 12:42 pm - Reply

    The whole idea of walking around with water bottles is really absurd. It is totally unnecessary . people do not need to be continuously sipping on water .
    How is it that the Provincial Govt can ignore a resolution from the UBCM. Is the Govt so strapped for money that it is compelled to sell their birthright, I would willingly pay more taxes if it would change their thinking.

  2. Gail June 9, 2022 at 3:04 pm - Reply

    No to any corporation that wants access to our ground water.

    Water is a human right. Stop the water bottling effort.

    The Provincial government needs to protect our aquifers .

    Our water supply needs to be protected.

  3. Cary Gryba June 9, 2022 at 5:03 pm - Reply

    This is an excellent podcast , and this issue is very important to all of us. Thanks for the hard work that the team does!

    • Anna Kemp June 20, 2022 at 12:21 pm - Reply

      Thanks Cary!

  4. Gail June 15, 2022 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    Keep the water in the ground. Aquifers need to be left alone. Water is a basic human right. Time for the government to realize how important our water is. And no more selling it to private water companies.

  5. Larry veilleuc September 12, 2022 at 11:19 am - Reply

    Totally agree. The corps buy water got 5 CEnts per 100liters. Cancel these water contracts.

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