Have your say on BC’s Emergency Program Act!
January 21, 2020
By: Meghan Rooney
It’s not often we get an opportunity to weigh in on legislation that directly affects salmon and their habitats. The Emergency Program Act (1993) is being updated and the Province is accepting public comment until Jan. 31, 2020.
Watershed Watch Salmon Society and our allies will be submitting letters of feedback and recommendations to the Province, but we will have more influence if you can join us and send a letter of your own. Will you send a letter telling the Province to ensure, via the Emergency Program Act, that salmon and their habitats are considered in all our flood management practices?
We cannot discuss the environment and emergency management separately. Now is the time to enshrine nature-based solutions into law.
We’ve done the leg work for you so all you have to do is use this editable letter writing tool, edit if desired or just add your name and send it in. It takes just a few minutes. Submissions are due by January 31, 2020!
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Have your say on BC’s Emergency Program Act!
January 21, 2020
By: Meghan Rooney
It’s not often we get an opportunity to weigh in on legislation that directly affects salmon and their habitats. The Emergency Program Act (1993) is being updated and the Province is accepting public comment until Jan. 31, 2020.
Watershed Watch Salmon Society and our allies will be submitting letters of feedback and recommendations to the Province, but we will have more influence if you can join us and send a letter of your own. Will you send a letter telling the Province to ensure, via the Emergency Program Act, that salmon and their habitats are considered in all our flood management practices?
We cannot discuss the environment and emergency management separately. Now is the time to enshrine nature-based solutions into law.
We’ve done the leg work for you so all you have to do is use this editable letter writing tool, edit if desired or just add your name and send it in. It takes just a few minutes. Submissions are due by January 31, 2020!
salmon are extremely important and need to be protected. not go like cod on the east coast.