Recommendations from the January 2017 Scientists’ Think Tank – The Protection of Pacific Wild Salmon
April 4, 2017
By: Joty Dosanjh
In January 2017, Simon Fraser University hosted an invitational scientists’ think tank as part of their Speaking for the Salmon series. The aim of the think tank was to examine the potential risk factors to Pacific wild salmon and to seek solutions on how to protect them.
Craig Orr and Stan Proboszcz, from Watershed Watch, took part in the think tank. See what they, and other scientists, have to say about the threats facing BC’s wild salmon in this short video.
Also see the scientists’ recommendations from the think tank in the report The Protection of Pacific Wild Salmon: Understanding potential risk factors and seeking solutions.
Wild salmon are the lifeblood of our province. We are lucky to have some healthy salmon runs left, but we need to protect them and ensure they have SAFE PASSAGE through their migration. Stand up and sign the SAFE PASSAGE petition and help protect our wild salmon today!
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Recommendations from the January 2017 Scientists’ Think Tank – The Protection of Pacific Wild Salmon
April 4, 2017
By: Joty Dosanjh
In January 2017, Simon Fraser University hosted an invitational scientists’ think tank as part of their Speaking for the Salmon series. The aim of the think tank was to examine the potential risk factors to Pacific wild salmon and to seek solutions on how to protect them.
Craig Orr and Stan Proboszcz, from Watershed Watch, took part in the think tank. See what they, and other scientists, have to say about the threats facing BC’s wild salmon in this short video.
Also see the scientists’ recommendations from the think tank in the report The Protection of Pacific Wild Salmon: Understanding potential risk factors and seeking solutions.
Wild salmon are the lifeblood of our province. We are lucky to have some healthy salmon runs left, but we need to protect them and ensure they have SAFE PASSAGE through their migration. Stand up and sign the SAFE PASSAGE petition and help protect our wild salmon today!