A heartfelt send-off to our engagement manager, Roxanna Kooistra

September 22, 2023

By: Meghan Rooney

After two years at Watershed Watch, our engagement manager, Roxanna Kooistra recently accepted a new position with Cheam First Nation to lead restoration efforts at Chilliwack’s Hope Slough.

After a hiatus from in-person events due to COVID-19, Roxanna hit the ground running when she joined our team. She rebooted our events and volunteer program and built up Watershed Watch’s presence on Instagram. Her skills with photography and her ties to the Fraser Valley community, through her involvement with Chilliwack Search and Rescue and as a member of Friends of Camp Hope Slough, helped shine a light on the impacts facing wild salmon in the region and build up a groundswell of support for initiatives that will benefit wild salmon.

Hope Slough continues to be a high-priority waterway for Watershed Watch’s Connected Waters campaign, and we look forward to the potential for future collaborations with Roxanna and Cheam First Nation to restore Hope Slough.

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A heartfelt send-off to our engagement manager, Roxanna Kooistra

September 22, 2023

By: Meghan Rooney

After two years at Watershed Watch, our engagement manager, Roxanna Kooistra recently accepted a new position with Cheam First Nation to lead restoration efforts at Chilliwack’s Hope Slough.

After a hiatus from in-person events due to COVID-19, Roxanna hit the ground running when she joined our team. She rebooted our events and volunteer program and built up Watershed Watch’s presence on Instagram. Her skills with photography and her ties to the Fraser Valley community, through her involvement with Chilliwack Search and Rescue and as a member of Friends of Camp Hope Slough, helped shine a light on the impacts facing wild salmon in the region and build up a groundswell of support for initiatives that will benefit wild salmon.

Hope Slough continues to be a high-priority waterway for Watershed Watch’s Connected Waters campaign, and we look forward to the potential for future collaborations with Roxanna and Cheam First Nation to restore Hope Slough.

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